
okay, so far LH order is confirmed.

will sms you about the others tomorrow.

heheheh, is back XDDDDD Check the blog okay?

Thanks for the words or warning about S'pore. Heheh, this will be the first time I set foot outta M'sia. Hah, me am country bumpkin. Don't be surprised if I go"Oooh" and "aaah" at everything.

anyway, Kit.... ^_^ want me to make a layout for you while I'm there?


Need your sing adress, nyo. Need to fill in leave form.


me have passport



Aaaw.... it must be sad for you. But fret not! There's always e-mails, snail-mails and such... I had to wait 4 years before I could meet with my best bud again in KL. We wrote so many letters in those 4 years.... oh the trees that were slaughtered for the nonsense. ^^


Aiyoo... I hope things do work out for the best. *hugs*

Hehehehe, I will be holding my passport by the end of the week, hopefully.


nyaaaaa.... what will happen to the insanity that is the Darklands?


hey guys *waves*

I really have no idea what's happening with the server. *shrugs* And I can't mail host-sama about it since her mail is senritsu-based. Hmmm.... I hope Kit won't be angry about me posting this really long old post.... don't kill me, onegai!

Anyway, on Feb 26 I posted this really important post... Incidently, the server went ka-thud a few hours later.
Feb 26, sometime after 6 pm...... WORK SUCKS.

Big time.
Things are happeing in my life right now.. can't say they're bad or good But I'm managing. The last three weeks at my parents' allowed me to re-examine my life... and all I havta say is I'm not satisfied with it.

I came to the realization that I sacrifice a major part of my life to the Internet a lot. Without regard to my health, sanity and my future. This has been going thru my mind a lot lately.... and with what has happened at work recently, I guess this is the time to say it.

The few sites and web-related projects that I maintain currently are officially STATIC/ on a hiatus. They're not dead, just static... EVERYTHING'S ON HOLD.

With the exception of my weblog, or course *host-sama grumbles about reins using more of her space XD*

Everything is on hiatus for an indefinate period of time. Indefinate you say? A month, or four? A year? Who knows... all I know is I need the time off. My health is not what the doctors would term a healthy one... my lethargic spells have returned, my diet sucks, and my recurring dehydration...causing my skin to crack and peel, aggravated too by my skin allergy. I am not on my deathbed, I may look healthy. But who know how long can this go on?

I seriously need to get my priorities straight. I'll still be blogging (not as frequently as before though) and reading e-mails and such (pls reduce the e-mail traffic guys) but other than that, my online presence will be reduced. And on the subject of blogging, sad to say that I won't be able to change or create layouts like I did in the past until everything is resolved. This really burns me the most.

Is this the end? No, just a new beginning. I'm kinda glad to make this decision. When I was back at my parent's, we talked and they have asked me to do something. Yeah, I admit it's something that I should have done in the first place, instead of goofing off. I really feel I should accomplish this and thus, earn the title of an 'adult' and so away with the apron strings....
Zoro=Eh?? What the crap is this? Masaka..... you're getting MARRIED??!!
me=*SMACKS Zoro with a broom* BAKA. It's not that. Although I wouldn't mind getting hitched to you, y'know *LEERS*
Zoro=GEH!! *runs away*

I am gonna miss working on stuff like HTML and wallpapers..... a lot. But I need to work on ME.

Yup, getting my act together.... and watching more anime XDD Guess what did I blow 200 rinngit on when I got back to work? ONE PIECE DVD SET 2 and Cowboy BEBOP box 2!!! Waahhoooo! Unlike Zee who has the complete part ONE, I have OP ep 12-52. Grrr, I missed the chance to get the first box!!! But, I loved it all the same!! I've got 1-8 fansubs anyway... Hohohohoh, can I say what a KAKKOI man Sanji is??? DANG!!! Yes, Zoro is still the man for me. But, Sanji's intro and his seiyuu.... they got the best lines!!! *squeals* So what if my DVD box set is an illegal copy which has really CRAPPY subtitles? Sanji still has the best lines... One would think Sanji was trying his very best to seduce me *_* Mochiron, kare ga tottemo kakkoi.... BUT!

When he sees Nami, he turns into a gibbering git!! XDDDD Ahahaha!!! His cool image soiled!! Bwahahahaha! *awaits beatings from Lyn*

Hmm.. finally the Nami-fanboy comments on my layout. Hehehehe, them kanji was lifted of a CNY card. Me is so original, eh? Hehehehe, and I got another member of the ZORO LOVE club now.... I say, make that Zoro layout Rhian! God knows I can't anymore....

I agree with ya, Lyn. I was having the same problems with the *now* static project that is my Zoro shrine. (If you wanna leave me out of it, I understand. I can't afford any time for it fot now.) Character shrines are a big thing.... a domain is even bigger. Stop when you feel like it's a chore. Then, start on it again when you're feeling fangurlish. Not all of us can be so dedicated like Val-sama and her projects...

Um, Sirius or Clow? XDDDD

Rei... you moved! And the layout... *_* Can I say that one is the most loveliest you ever did? K-chaaan.... can we meet soon?? I waaaant my Zoro goods....

Well... till the next blogging session. Ja! And congratulations to the Canadians for winning the gold in Men's Hockey. *waves at Meta*

....ah!! I forgot something!! I finally got Monthy Python's Holy Grail dvd!! A good friend of mine sent it to me!! Thanks you ROBB!! Run away! Run away!! heehehehe.... now that is a carniverous Killer bunny...