

GRAAA.... this stupid coding doesn't work well? GRRAAA.... 'tis most embarassing for me. If you want to change, pls do so...


Waaa.... it takes 6 hours to drive down to KL? You know it takes me 8 just to get to Kelantan? I have to cross over a mountain range to do that too...


I only have a gallery for my OP art... the rest I am very lazy to html it XPPP Actually I had this REALLY old gallery. Lotsa YnM... color pencils. Really BAD >.<

hehehe... was blogging at my side.

I think Clow did something to your PC. But the layout is of him wat? Why would he prevent you from oggling at his visage?

Um, is ODFM working for you? Mebbe we go there if it does....

Well, you do have made me more rabid.. *foams at mouth*

hehehehe.. lookie!

Hehehehee..... I love Snape's snazzy wardrobe. XDDD He can't look boyish! He sneers a lot and that gives you a lot of wrinkles. Anyway Kit, try clearing your Internet browser's cache and history.

Well, it works... It's all BLACK XDDDD The weirdest thing is my CCS codes at my blog never gives me this problems...

Okay, it works!!!! But, now be warned that you can't do any H4 or H3 in the entries as the thing is SET at verdana 8 pt. Hehehehehe, I colored my lil HP doodle.... I must post it up.. did u see my sketch of Snape?

No, it's the CCS. You know why it's wonky. The P tag.... the CCS codes that I lifted from will define font face and color for anything that has the P tag in front of it. Like those line breaks before every paragraph....?

No, I'm here and your blog is working fine at my end.... but the code!!!! GAAAHH!!!

Venus??? You're right... excuse while I puke XDD No, jus joking.... am a loser at being a girl myself.

Kit, I'm starting to understand the problems with the HTML of the code.

work I say!!

Aiiiyaaaa... the entries can't be blue >.< I can't see.....

You can't define font face, BUT you can define font color. Try this
---font color--
open Blogger tag
close Blogger tag
---close font tag

I hope you understand this gibberish...

Kit, check your codes. Do not define Font Face in the Blogger entry section. The entries are supposed to be black and verdana 8 pt. I see the first paragraph is black and blue... 0_o? And check those images will ya? I think they're wrongly defined.

Um... why the broken images???


Hahahah!!! Okay, I'll be there tomorrow XD Your sis birthday is today? This is your identical twin we're talking about here... aren't we? *confused*

Mwahahah! I'm back XDDD


LEGO Snape??


Presenting some HP crack! I would love to plug this on my log but you know why I'm doing it here deshou...

anyway, go see Akane's HP strips. It's horribly cute and funny too XDD and the Relay Comic she did with Ryuuen XD Funny XDDD Snape looks so cute and lovable... like a cute lil teddy.

Snape=I want to pet the dog (Sirius)!

Oh Kit.... did u know that your HanaKimi site is mentioned at Anipike? Congrats!!


graa... host is down.